Tuesday, January 26, 2010

LOST: The Book, Blog, and Conference

I'm proud to show off the newly published 3rd edition of LOST's Buried Treasures, which is available from Sourcebooks as well as Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, Borders.com, and so on, internationally. I'm a huge LOST fan, and David and I updated this new edition about the theories, characters, locations, and popular culture references through Season 5. It's the fan guide with the scholarly difference.

Because I intend to make separate and frequent posts about new episodes of LOST, I've created a new LOST blog. I'll make my Season 6 comments there. To start off, this week's post is about my recent trip to Hawaii. Please follow or link to


I should also add that my co-author David Lavery has issued a Call for Papers for the LOST conference to be held in--you guessed it--Hawaii in January 2011. I'll add more info about that soon, but you can also check David's website: davidlavery.net for the initial info. The LOST conference will be held in conjunction with the Hawaiian International Conference on Arts & Humanities in Honolulu. In addition to presentations and panels, we're planning events like LOST tours. Stay tuned!

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